Processed food products?

Is it good or bad?

Each time the words "processed food" is mentioned, many will assume that it's an unhealthy option of food. But did you know that some processes are necessary and even make food safe?

For example, we pasteurize milk to remove harmful bacteria and make cultured milk. Milk/dairy foods are also fermented to increase its shelf life, enhance the taste and improve its digestibility. It is also a more popular option for those who do not like the taste of fresh milk.

Can I eat processed food?


Yes! Processed food is actually any type of food that has been altered in some way during its preparation. This includes methods like freezing, canning, baking and even drying. It's a necessity today and not all processed food is unhealthy.

However, some processed food may be unhealthy if it contains high amounts of fat, sugar or salt.

What types of food and drinks are considered processed?

Examples processed food are breakfast cereals, cheese, canned vegetables, meat products like sausage or ham and even drinks, like cultured milk drinks!

These foods need to be processed to make them safe, stored better and improve its taste. Some processed Foods like cultured milk have additional health benefits such as helping maintain the healthy balance of flora to the intestine.

How can I indulge in processed food and maintain a healthy diet at the same time?

When we buy food and drinks, it can be tough to control the amount of sugar and fat in the products. However, we can choose what we buy. By reading the nutrition labels of the products, we can decide and control what we choose to consume. So choose wisely! Processed food and drinks can be good or bad depending on its nutritional value. Learn to read the labels and do some research on the goodness and benefits on certain processed food and drinks.

For example, my family and I love the Calpis cultured milk range! It comes in a variety of variants namely Original, Grape, Mango and Strawberry! It's free from preservatives and is fat free as well. Calpis is available in a bottles sized 350ml and 1L, allowing consumers to consume as much as they want. Personally, the 1L bottle is always our preferred drink to serve family members and guests during gatherings while the 350ml is good to bring along in our bags whenever we are out for family outings. So the next time you make a trip to the grocery store, be sure to add Calpis to your grocery list!