Etika In the News
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Etika In the News
China Press - Pepsi Harvest

New Sarawak Tribune - Pepsi Harvest

The Sun - Goodday x Siti Khadijah Milk

Utusan Malaysia - Goodday x Siti Khadijah Milk

Utusan - #WONDABolaCorner

The Sun Daily - #WONDABolaCorner

SinChew - #WONDABolaCorner

KOSMO - Goodday KidStart Programme

Harian Metro - Goodday KidStart Programme

Astro Awani - Goodday KidStart Programme

Kosmo - Etika x UKM It's Time for Our River

ASTRO Awani - Goodday Berkat Sepakat 2022

Berita Razzi Online - Goodday Berkat Sepakat 2022

Hijrah helped the B40 community with the "Bermula dari Hati" campaign

HIJRAH Bantu Golongan B40 & Asnaf Menerusi Titipan Kasih Harian Metro

Kosmo - New CEO for Etika Group of Companies

Sin Chew - New CEO for Etika Group of Companies

Utusan Malaysia - New CEO for Etika Group of Companies

The Star - Lipton Teh Tarik & Milk Tea

Sin Chew - WONDA Instant Coffee

New Straits Times - Goodday's Happee PPEs Handover Ceremony

Buletin Utama (TV3) - Goodday's Happee PPEs Handover Ceremony

Sin Chew - Goodday Aussie Fresh

Sinar Harian - Goodday Aussie Fresh

Sin Chew - Goodday's Happee PPEs Contest

Sin Chew - International WONDA Coffee Day 2021

Harian Metro 2 - Hijrah Bermula Dari Hati

Sin Chew - Calpis Instagram Reels Contest

Kosmo - International WONDA Coffee Day 2021

Harian Metro - Hijrah Bermula Dari Hati

Sinar Harian - Goodday Milk Fest 2021

Sin Chew - Goodday Milk Fest 2021

The Star - Etika Increases Focus on Sustainability Efforts to Champion a Greener Lifestyle

Sinar Harian - Etika Increases Focus on Sustainability Efforts to Champion a Greener Lifestyle

Sin Chew - Etika Increases Focus on Sustainability Efforts to Champion a Greener Lifestyle

Utusan Malaysia - Etika Group's CEO Joins The 2020 ACES Awards List of Outstanding Leaders In Asia

The Star - Malaysian Recycling Alliance (MAREA)

Utusan Malaysia - Goodday Sebarkan Kebaikan

Kosmo - Goodday Sebarkan Kebaikkan

NST - Malaysian Recycling Alliance (MAREA)

Kosmo - 7-Eleven x Pepsi Concept Store

Sin Chew - 7-Eleven x Pepsi Concept Store

Sinar Harian - 7-Eleven x Pepsi Concept Store

The Malaysian Reserve - 7-Eleven x Pepsi Concept Store

Utusan Malaysia - Etika Wins Global Best Employer Awards 2 Years In A Row

Sin Chew - Etika Wins Global Best Employer Awards 2 Years In A Row

Borneo Post - Etika Wins Global Best Employer Awards 2 Years In A Row

The Star - Etika Corporate

Utusan Malaysia - Etika Cares

Kosmo - Etika Cares

Borneo Post - Etika Cares

Tamil Malar - Etika Cares

New Straits Times - Etika Cares

Kosmo - Etika Cares

The Star - Etika Appoints New Vice President of Marketing

Kosmo - Etika Appoints New Vice President of Marketing

Utusan Malaysia - Goodday Milk Saves Bornean Orangutans

Guang Ming - Goodday Milk Saves Bornean Orangutans

Utusan Malaysia - IWCD 2020 - WONDA Mobile Speakeasy Cafe

The Star - IWCD 2020 - WONDA Mobile Speakeasy Cafe

Utusan Malaysia - IWCD 2020 - WONDA Mobile Speakeasy Cafe

New Straits Time - IWCD 2020 - WONDA Mobile Speakeasy Cafe

Kosmo - Pepsi Cultural Can

The Star - Pepsi Cultural Can

Sin Chew - Pepsi Cultural Can

Kosmo - Goodday Milk Fest 2020

The Star - Goodday Milk Fest 2020

Sin Chew - Goodday Milk Fest 2020

Sin Chew - IWCD 2020 - Wonda Contactless Sampling

Sinar Harian - IWCD 2020 - Wonda Contactless Sampling

The Star - IWCD 2020 - Wonda Contactless Sampling

Sin Chew - International WONDA Coffee Day 2020

Utusan Malaysia - International WONDA Coffee Day 2020

Utusan Malaysia - Global Best Employer Brand Awards 2020

Borneo Post - Global Best Employer Brand Awards 2020

Guang Ming - Advend Group of Companies CEO

Sinar Harian - Advend Group of Companies CEO

Borneo Post - Advend Group of Companies CEO

Kosmo - Goodday Milk & Waze Collaboration

Sin Chew - Goodday Milk: Malaysia Book of Records (Largest Moreh Session)

Sinar Harian - Goodday Milk : Malaysia Book of Records (Largest Moreh Session)

Sin Chew - Goodday Selamat Selebraya

Rojak Pot - Goodday Selamat Selebraya

Tropicana Eratkan Jalinan Dengan Jiran

Goodday Milk Ramadan Campaign

Guang Ming - WONDA Gap-puccino

Sinar Harian - WONDA Gap-puccino

The Star - Etika Cares

Sin Chew - Etika Cares

The Malaysian Reserve - Etika Cares

Sinar Harian - Etika Cares

Sin Chew - Konsert #WONDADiRumah

Sinar Harian - Konsert #WONDADiRumah

Etika Acquires Advend Systems Pte. Ltd.

The Malaysian Reserve - Etika Acquires Advend Systems Pte. Ltd.

Sin Chew - EPF's Excellence Employer Award 2019

Sinar Harian - Etika Acquires Advend Systems Pte. Ltd.

Borneo Post Kuching - Etika Acquires Advend Systems Pte. Ltd.

Sin Chew - Etika Acquires Advend Systems Pte. Ltd.

Sinar Harian - HR Excellence Awards

The Star - HR Excellence Awards

Sin Chew - HR Excellence Awards

See Hua Daily - Asia's Best Employer Brand Awards 2019-2020

Sin Chew - Asia's Best Employer Brand Awards 2019-2020

Utusan Borneo Sarawak - WONDA Coffee Sarawak Edition Launch in Sarawak

See Hua Daily News - WONDA Coffee Sarawak Edition Launch in Sarawak

New Sarawak Tribune - WONDA Coffee Sarawak Edition Launch in Sarawak

Utusan Malaysia - WONDA 3-in-1 Premium Coffee Launch in Sabah

Kosmo - Good Vibes

Guang Ming - WONDA 3-in-1 Premium Coffee Launch in Sabah

Guang Ming - Good Vibes

Utusan Malaysia - Botol-Botol Menang Sejuta 2019 Contest

The Star - Botol-Botol Menang Sejuta 2019 Contest

Utusan Malaysia - Asia's Best Employer Brand Awards 2019-2020

Sin Chew - Botol-Botol Menang Sejuta 2019 Contest

Sin Chew - Mari-Mari Erat

The Star - WONDA 3-in-1 Premium Coffee

Kosmo - Etika Corporate

Utusan Malaysia - IWCD 2019

Berita Harian - WONDA 3-in-1 Premium Coffee

Sin Chew - IWCD 2019

The Star - Etika Corporate

Kosmo - Mari-Mari Erat

Sin Chew - WONDA 3-in-1 Premium Coffee

The Star - IWCD 2019

Sin Chew - Botol-Botol Menang Sejuta 2019 Contest

Sinar Harian - Goodday Milk Fest 2019

Sin Chew - Goodday Milk Fest 2019

Sinar Harian - Tropicana Essentials

Utusan Malaysia - Tropicana Contest

Guang Ming - Tropicana Essentials

Kosmo - Calpis 100th Anniversary

Kosmo - Tropicana Essentials

NST - Calpis 100th Anniversary

Utusan Malaysia - Tropicana Essentials

The Star - WONDA Zero Max & Grab Collaboration

Sin Chew - HR Asia Recruitment Awards 2019

Sinar Harian - HR Asia Recruitment Awards 2019

Guang Ming - WONDA Zero Max & Grab Collaboration

Borneo Post (Kuching) - HR Asia Recruitment Awards 2019

Sin Chew - Tropicana Essentials

Sinar Harian - Pepsi Black Ginger

Sin Chew - Goodday Pasteurised Kurma Milk

Kosmo - MOA Minister Officiated Goodday Pasteurised Fresh Milk Production Line

Sin Chew - WONDA Zero Max

The Star - MOA Minister Officiated Goodday Pasteurised Fresh Milk Production Line

The Star - Pepsi Black Ginger

Sinar Harian - Goodday Pasteurised Kurma Milk

Nanyang Siang Pau - MOA Minister Officiated Goodday Pasteurised Fresh Milk Production Line

Sin Chew - Pepsi Black Ginger

Guang Ming - MOA Minister Officiated Goodday Pasteurised Fresh Milk Production Line

The Star - WONDA Zero Max

Sinar Harian - MOA Minister Officiated Goodday Pasteurised Fresh Milk Production Line

KIDS REACT to 100 Years Old Cultured Milk

Calpis 100th Year Anniversary

Sin Chew - Calpis 100th Anniversary

Sinar Harian - Calpis 100th Anniversary

Kosmo - Calpis 100th Anniversary

WONDA Zero Max: Freshness

Utusan Malaysia (Etika - CNY Campaign 2019)

Utusan Malaysia - Pepsi Black Vanilla

See Hua Daily News - Kuching (Etika - CNY Campaign 2019 in East Malaysia)

Kosmo (Etika - CNY Campaign 2019)

Kosmo - WONDA Zero Max

Borneo Post - Kuching (Etika - CNY Campaign 2019 in East Malaysia)

Your Color of Happiness

Sin Chew (Etika - CNY Campaign 2019)

Utusan Malaysia (Goodday Milk - Back to School)

The Sun - Pepsi Black Vanilla

The Star (Goodday Milk - Back to School)

The Star - Pepsi Black Vanilla

The Star - Be Your Own Barista with Goodday Life

Sinar Harian - Pepsi Black Vanilla

Sinar Harian - Be Your Own Barista with Goodday Life

Sin Chew (Goodday Milk - Back to School)

Sin Chew - Pepsi Black Vanilla

Utusan Malaysia - Calpis Lychee Battle

The Star - Tropicana Straight to the Good Stuff

The Star - Calpis Lychee Battle

Sin Chew - Calpis Lychee Battle

Utusan Malaysia - Pepsi Retro

The Sun - Pepsi Retro

The Star - Pepsi Retro

Sin Chew - Tropicana Straight to the Good Stuff

Sin Chew - Pepsi Retro

Kosmo - Tropicana Straight to the Good Stuff

Utusan Borneo (Sabah) - IWCD 2018 in East Malaysia

Sinar Harian - Calpis Fibre Lychee

Sin Chew - Calpis Fibre Lychee

See Hua Daily News (Sabah) - IWCD 2018 in East Malaysia

Borneo Post (Kuching) - IWCD 2018 in East Malaysia

Utusan Malaysia (2) - WONDA Lane 2018

Utusan Malaysia - WONDA Lane 2018

The Star - WONDA Lane 2018

The Star - IWCD 2018

The Star - Asia's Best Employer Brand Awards 2018-2019

Sinar Harian - WONDA Lane 2018

Sinar Harian - Asia's Best Employer Brand Awards 2018-2019

Sin Chew - WONDA Lane 2018

Sin Chew - IWCD 2018

Sin Chew - Asia's Best Employer Brand Awards 2018-2019

Kosmo - IWCD 2018

Kosmo - Asia's Best Employer Brand Awards 2018-2019

NST - Goodday Milk Fest 2018

Kosmo - Pepsi & TGV Partnership

Kosmo - Goodday Milk Fest 2018

Harian Metro - Goodday Milk Fest 2018

Berita Harian - Pepsi & TGV Partnership

Utusan Malaysia - Mirinda Mix-It

Utusan Malaysia - Goodday UHT Kurma Milk

The Star - Goodday UHT Kurma Milk

Sinar Harian - Mirinda Mix-It

Sin Chew - Goodday UHT Kurma Milk

NST - Mirinda Mix-It

Utusan Malaysia - WONDA Football Campaign 2018

Utusan Malaysia - Tropicana Gandakan Kebaikan Contest

Utusan Malaysia - Pepsi Activation

The Star - Pepsi Activation

Sin Chew - WONDA Football Campaign 2018

Sin Chew - Tropicana Gandakan Kebaikan Contest

Sin Chew - Pepsi The Future Ride Contest

Sin Chew - Mirinda Mix-It

NST - Pepsi The Future Ride Contest

Berita Harian - Pepsi The Future Ride Contest

The Star - New Pepsi

Sin Chew - Goodday Charge

Sin Chew - Calpis New Ambassadors

NST - Goodday Charge

NST - Calpis New Ambassadors

Pepsi - Drink The Future Now

Harian Metro - Goodday Charge

Berita Harian - Calpis New Ambassadors

Pepsi - Drink The Future Now with The Star

The Star - New Pepsi

Sin Chew - Goodday Charge

Sin Chew - Calpis New Ambassadors

NST - Goodday Charge

NST - Calpis New Ambassadors

Pepsi - Drink The Future Now

Harian Metro - Goodday Charge

Berita Harian - Calpis New Ambassadors

Pepsi - Drink The Future Now with The Star

Utusan Malaysia - New Pepsi

Sin Chew - WONDA Lane

Sin Chew - New Pepsi


NST - New Pepsi

Berita Harian - WONDA Lane

The Sun - Goodday Milk - Malaysia Book of Records

Sin Chew - WONDA Coffee PET

Sin Chew - Goodday Milk - Malaysia Book of Records


Kosmo - WONDA Coffee PET

Berita Harian - Goodday Milk - Malaysia Book of Records

The Star - Calpis Fibre-Up Event

Sinar Harian - Calpis Fibre-Up Event

Sin Chew - Calpis Fibre-Up Event

Guang Ming Daily - Dew Challenge Dec 2017

Kosmo - Calpis Fibre-Up Challenge Contest

Kosmo Ming Daily - Dew Challenge Dec 2017

NST - Etika & TCRS Restaurants Signing Ceremony

Sin Chew - Calpis Fibre-Up Challenge Contest

Sin Chew - Etika & TCRS Restaurants Signing Ceremony

Sinar Harian - Etika & TCRS Restaurants Signing Ceremony

The Star - Dew Challenge Dec 2017

The Star - Etika & TCRS Restaurants Signing Ceremony

Sin Chew - Dew Challenge Nov 2017